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A Dynamic Duo: The Fool and the Magician

found myself pondering on this dynamic duo recently and wanted to share 💫my thoughts💫

When we talk about manifesting, creating the life we desire, and stepping into Magician energy, the importance of the Fool's energy is lowkey slept on.

The Fool has left something behind, in pursuit of a new venture that they know is better than what they've known previously. Maybe they don't even know what the adventure has to offer. But a voice inside says "Do it" and they do. (We later learn this is the voice of your intuition, The High Priestess). Impulsive, naïve, and potentially reckless, but also courageous, passionate, and strong-willed. The Fool's intentions are pure and they're genuinely excited about this path and all the opportunities lying ahead. Might there be setbacks, mistakes, and failures along the way? Of course. But the freedom to live authentically and on their own terms outweighs the cons for our Fool.

When the Fool meets the Magician, it is revealed that the Fool has been carrying the 4 essentials manifestation in their bag the entire time. Equipped with the Wand of passion and desire, the Sword of truth and communication, the Cup of love and emotional connection, and the Pentacle of stability and security, The Fool is in divine alignment to co-create their reality with Spirit and The Universe.

But where did the Fool get all these tools? Who gave the Fool all this stuff, and where can I buy it?! Truth is, these tools cannot be given to you by another. They are cultivated from within through lived experience, gratitude, shadow work,

Before you start manifesting, you have to believe that you can and that you're worthy of receiving. Even if you think you have nothing to start with. Even if nobody in your life has pursued a path like yours. Even if you feel inexperienced and challenged. You must believe in your core that the life you envision for yourself is possible.

This is not easy!!! Especially if you're used to settling for less, having poor boundaries/self discipline and experiencing poverty consciousness. That vital first step of feeling inherently worthy and valuable is why the Magician is not the first card in the deck. This is the FOOL'S JOURNEY!

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