Spread: You•We•Me
Cards: The World• Justice (r)• Five of Cups
Deck: Smith-Rider-Waite Tarot
💫💌 *roles may be reversed, so take it as it applies to your situation!* You may be feeling like the person on your mind has abandoned you, forgotten about you, and given up on you. I'm getting that relationship couldn't survive being long distance, or that the emotional distance between you both grew so wide that it broke you apart.
You may have recently discovered, or will soon discover that this person has moved on without you, either to someone else, or they're just really focusing on themselves and are seemingly doing better without you. You're disappointed because you feel there is unfinished business between the two of you that you're wanting to hash out, but I don't see that happening. I'm getting that this was a karmic connection, meaning this person was brought into your life to help you recognize and break toxic cycles. They were not meant to be the partner you actually desire.
There was also a sense of deception and dishonesty in the relationship with Justice (r). You could have been keeping secrets, withholding love and affection, not communicating honestly. This person reciprocated your energy and now you sad that they did you how you did them. You may also be jealous of their glow-up but take that as inspiration to spark your own glow-up!
Two of Wands, Two of Cups (r) and The Lovers (r) are at the bottom of the deck, which is telling me that in order to get different results, you must make different choices!