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❤Sweetheart Sundays❤ 3/23/2021

Writer's picture: thetarotastrologerthetarotastrologer

Welcome back to Sweetheart Sundays! (Tuesday addition lmao) Let's jump right in, shall we? Spirit, what love messages do you have for us this week?

💖Pile 1💖 Self Love/Singles (Believe in Your Own Magic Oracle)

You know the way you're being treated is injust and unfair. You know your worth and you know it's not currently being valued by someone (a partner, employer, family member, clients, etc). Until you decide to stand up and say something about it, it will continue to happen! The castle can only ignore the growing crowd outside for so long. This could be multiple people joining forces to fight for a shared cause, and/or people who have experienced the same or similar mistreatment. Remember that you are not alone in this experience, and that there is so much power in numbers! If you can't face this oppressor on your own, or you just don't feel ready to do so, talk to your loved ones about what's been going on. They may not be able to enact the change they want for you, but knowing you have their support may make it easier to speak up, or to walk away from this situation completely.

💕Pile 2💕 Romantic Love/ In a relationship (Psychic Tarot for The Heart Oracle)

This card is telling me that you are starting to recognize how your brain can create fear out of anything. I feel that you're becoming aware that many things we have been taught to fear are not actually threats to us. The brain being prepared for danger 24/7 puts us in perpetual fight-flight-freeze-fawn mode, and disallows us to experience the present moment fully. For example, you're spending time with your partner and enjoying your time together, then all of a sudden you start thinking about worst case scenarios, how you would have to respond, who you'd need to call. This sense of hyperawareness is clouding your peace of mind. I heard, "Many moons ago, you were hurt very badly by someone who was supposed to love you". Whether these many moons were 5 days ago, or 5 months, 5 years, or 50 years, the fear of reliving that hurt still lingers in your energy today.

I'm also hearing to "track your fears" with the moon cycle. Take a look into if a certain moon phase triggers more doubt and worry for you than others, or if the moon being in a certain sign exacerbates that emotion. There may be certain times of the month and in the cycle when these fears are more present. Observe them lovingly and without judgements. Though not always factual, your fears are real and valid.

💖Pile 3💖 Healing from Past Love (Healing Mantra Oracle)

Similar to Pile 1, and the self love group!! You know your worth inherently, but I feel that sometimes you struggle with self confidence, and feeling that you deserve the things you want. A past love connection (romantic or non) may have made you feel like your desires were out of your reach, unachievable, or unrealistic. This person was projecting their own sense of unworthiness onto you. Deep down, they don't feel worthy enough to do it or achieve it, so they find it's not even worth fighting for, or wishing for. They don't believe they can have it, but you do!!! You're ready for new experiences that make your heart swell with gratitude, pleasure, and joy. Stay in the high vibration of self love and appreciation, and your ecstasy will soon be in the palms of your hands.

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope these messages resonated. See ya back here next Sunday! -Simone, The Tarot Astrologer


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