By Simone Regina

Welcome to Sweetheart Sundays! This is a series of weekly love readings, where we will ask Spirit for guidance in regards to relationships, intimacy, and romance. From each of the 3 decks, we will receive a message for those cultivating self-love, those currently in loving relationships, and those healing from past experiences in love. This is not a pick-a-card reading, so tune into any and all of the messages that feel right to you!
For Those on the Self Love Journey
Oracle Deck: Sacred Self Care Oracle
Tarot Deck: Casanova Tarot
Crystal: Rose Quartz
Oracle Card: 28. Intuition
Bottom of Deck (BoD): 14. Connect with Your Ancestors
Tarot Cards: Knight of Wands and Seven of Pentacles

Trust your inner voice. Listening to your intuition and taking action inspired by it is an act of rebuilding trust for yourself and others. Your intuition is the voice that calmly guides you toward a path that may seem challenging, but you know within, there is a greater to be achieved by following it. The more you allow this voice to be heard, the stronger it becomes. Trusting your intuition can never lead you in the wrong direction, as it is your gift, and direct line to Source. The same force that put us all here, and provides us with everything we could ever need.
Your intuition is deep embedded into your being, which is why it may take extra effort to hear it. Some people's intuition speaks to them like a friend on the phone; others hear it in meditation, during exercise, in synchronicities, through music, while journaling, there are endless ways your intuition can speak to you. You may be seeing 222 or 888. Get specific and ask your ancestors to communicate with you in a way that you will recognize. For example, you can ask "Ancestors and Guides, please reveal my intuition's message to me through song lyrics" then shuffle your music library. Journal on what the song means to you, how it makes you feel, how it relates to your life, what lyrics stood out to you, and which lyrics you felt apathetic toward.
With these two oracle cards I'm seeing that your ancestors are trying to tell you about something from their lifetime, or from one of your past lives that needs your attention. This message will provide context for your current situation in love. There's a Fire sign that may be showing interest in you, but I'm also seeing that they may be showing more interest in your successes. They could be viewing your accomplishments from afar, or see that your time and energy is occupied elsewhere. This person talks about you a lot, and they have a loud and flamboyant energy about them. I'm hearing "They either want to see you shine or they want a piece of your pie". For some of you, this person will try to get close to you only because they want to mooch off of what you have. For others, they recognize the value in what you have to offer and genuinely want to help you grow and expand. This of course will be different for all of you, so connect with your intuition to confirm this person's true intentions.
For Those in Loving Relationships
Oracle Deck: Psychic Tarot for the Heart
Tarot Deck: Casanova Tarot
Crystal: Clear Quartz Geode
Oracle Card: 2. Find Balance
Bottom of Deck (BoD): 6. Third Eye Chakra (r)
Tarot Cards: 2 of Pentacles (r) and Strength (r)

Are you having trouble making time for your partner? Overwhelmed by life and trying your best not to take it out on them? Is there something you want to discuss with them but are afraid of their reaction?
We saw intuition come up in the self love cards, so you may need to trust your own inner guide, and start the conversation about you can both make adequate time for work, rest, and play, separately and together. Find Balance also represents the 2 of Pentacles so you have that card here twice! 2 of Wands is also at the bottom of the tarot deck, so you have 222!
I'm also picking up that the two of you may feel restless being alone together. You may have met in a group setting, or are used to spending time together around groups of people. Alternatively, you (or they) may be used to playing the field, and are finding the inner strength to stay loyal. Find balance in spending quality alone time playing together, quality time to rest on your own, and quality time to work. Get intimate and ask personal questions. What's something you've always wanted to know about your partner but haven't yet asked? Assess your intellectual, spiritual, and moral compatibility through an honest lense. The Third Eye Chakra (r) indicates you may not be seeing things for how they are, but instead for how you want them to be. The sexual and romantic chemistry is there, but conscious and loving relationships cannot survive on attraction alone!
For Those Healing from Past Love:
Oracle Deck: The Healing Mantra
Tarot Deck: Casanova Tarot
Crystal: Rose Quartz
Oracle Card: Embodying My Soul: "I have a right to be excited."
Bottom of Deck (BoD): Growing Beyond Guilt: "It couldn't have happened any other way"
Tarot Cards: Hanged Man (r) and Page of Pentacles (r)
You may be feeling guilty about the way a relationship ended, or about how quickly a new relationship began after one ended. Spirit is giving you permission, and wants you to grant yourself permission to forgive yourself for your past words and actions. You cannot take it back or undo it. All you can do now is move on from it. These affirmations are best for developing courage, feeling safe in your body, finding your inner voice, cultivating forgiveness, releasing karmic patterns and the past.
Feeling good is your birthright, and you have a right to do, say, and be anything that makes you feel your best. Your soul naturally vibrates high, but it is the ego mind and human experience that brings it into your unique reality and perspective.
With the Hanged Man (r), I feel that you put yourself on a timeout from love, dating, sex, etc but you may be ready to come out now! This Page of Pentacles could be an Earth sign ex that you have guilt for leaving behind, but you and this person could be communicating after some time apart. I heard "11-12 months of no communication". I don't see a reconciliation, but an opportunity for you to assert a new boundary, or communicate better than you would have before that period of inaction, reflection, and observation.
For others of you, this is you re-entering the dating scene after taking yourself off the market for some time. Someone new could have sparked your eye and you're feeling empowered to go after them. Forgive yourself and past partners for all that has taken place in previous relationships, then get back out there with excitement and passion!
Collective Context
BoD: 2 of Wands

Throughout all 3 groups, there's a desire to make changes to your approach in romance, and a need to trust in your ability to make the right decision. You know what you want to manifest, now it's time to make changes or adjustments to keep you in alignment to see it through. Keep the long term in mind, but have fun and explore all of your options in the meanwhile. The decisions you make now will propel you into your desired future!

Thanks for reading!
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All my love flows out to you,
Simone Regina 💫