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The Numerology of The Lovers, Six of Wands, Six of Cups, Six of Swords, and Six of Pentacles

Writer's picture: thetarotastrologerthetarotastrologer

Welcome back to Tarot Numerules! This 10-part series takes an in-depth look at the relationship between the first 10 Major Arcana cards (excluding The Fool) and their respective Minor Cards.

Today, for our third installment, we will be exploring the numerule of 6!

VI. The Lovers

Ahh, The Lovers card, the most romantic card of the Tarot! We always hope to see this card pop out in a love reading to signify that we have met or will soon meet the love of our lives. However, this card takes on many different meanings, outside of the context of romantic relationships.

In The Lovers card, associated with the zodiac sign of Gemini, we see a pair of people coming together by the grace of Archangel Raphael, (Angel of Air) above. It’s as if Raphael parted the skies and moved mountains so these two could be together. I recommend checking out Your Sign In Tarot: Gemini and The Lovers for more astrological context of this card!

Both parties are completely nude, symbolizing their raw honesty, openness, and vulnerability with each other. These two understand that a relationship as special as this requires authenticity, awareness of Self, and strong communication.

One person has their head turned upward toward Archangel Raphael, while the other is looking directly at their partner. This symbolizes a strong connection to Spirit, allowing them to do the work of bringing in a new karmic partner or soulmate, or initiating reunion between Twin Flames. The Mercurial Air sign of Gemini is symbolized by the Twins, and its energy focuses on communication, curiosity, and intellectual/spiritual/emotional expansion. Spirit is at the center of the relationship, meaning that one or both parties are allowing their spiritual connection to guide the relationship along. It also represents the innate knowledge that Spirit will ultimately decide when it’s time for a relationship to begin, and when it’s time for it to end.

We see trees on either side of each person. One tree is healthy, and blossoming with fresh fruit, and the other has been set ablaze. Both trees serve as a reminder of the abundance and nurturance that soulmate relationships can provide, but they also serve as a warning to resist temptations or to not get carried away with the passion and sexual desire that comes with a relationship of this magnitude. This is also an obvious biblical reference to the story of Adam and Eve, which I’m sure I don’t need to delve deeper into!

Outside of the romantic symbolism, this card represents alignment with your morals and values. Because this card follows after The Hierophant, who represents education, spiritual teachings, and societal rules, The Lovers offers the opportunity to develop one’s personal belief and value system, independent of outside opinions. The Lovers card asks us to decide who we want to be, what we want to be known for, what we want to achieve, and who we want by our sides. Like several Major Arcanas, such as The Hierophant or The High Priestess, this card represents choice.

Who do you choose to let into your life or your home? Who do you choose to interact with on a daily basis? What actions do you choose to take? What actions are you choosing not to take? What career path have you chosen? Where do you choose to live? How do you choose to spend your time?

Most importantly, The Lovers asks “Are your choices in alignment with your Higher Self and your soul’s purpose?”

The Spiritual Meaning of 6

In numerology, the number 6 represents nurturance, unconditional love, healing, and reciprocity and progression.

In astrology, Virgo (also ruled by Mercury) rules the 6th house of health, routines, work, and responsibility. Because the 6th house is ruled by Virgo, and The Lovers tarot card is ruled by Gemini, the number 6 possesses Air, Earth, and Mercurial energies. Being an even number, 6 symbolizes the balance between giving and receiving.

The number 6 asks us to reflect on what we are bringing to our own table, and what we can realistically bring to other’s tables. Are we putting in what we want to come out? Are we giving what we wish to receive?

People with the Life Path 6 are known to be incredibly supportive, structured, and generous. They ensure that their own needs are met before offering their energy to others. They give from their overflow, allowing people to take the excess for themselves, instead of filling up their cup and immediately emptying it out for others.

The Shadow aspect of 6 can be overly generous, seeking to keep the peace and overextending themselves for the people they care about. They may also do this to distract themselves from their own issues. After all, how can you solve your own problems when you’re so busy solving everyone else’s? Life Path 6s love to be needed and useful to those around them, which can cause them to burn out, or fall into people-pleasing patterns.

Six of Wands:

Representing pride, victory, and success, the Six of Wands symbolizes public recognition for a job well done. Our glorious winner proudly parades through the crowd of cheering fans, riding their high horse with their head held higher. Associated with the Fire element (particularly the Fire sign Leo), the Six of Wands indicates positive movement forward or reaching a major milestone in a creative endeavor, passion project, or a relationship.

When you win, we all win! Your progress, growth, and success opens the doors for those following in your footsteps to reach their goals as well. Your confidence is boosted and your supporters are thrilled to cheer you on. Six of Wands can also serve as encouragement to put your wins on display and celebrate yourself.

Fame and notoriety are other common themes associated with the loud and proud Six of Wands. While exhilarating and exciting, being in the spotlight can also take a toll on your overall wellbeing. Take time to consider how you will balance your public and private lives. Enjoy your time on stage, but make sure you have a safe place to retreat when the curtains close.

Did the Six of Wands make an appearance in your reading? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What am I most proud of myself for?

  • What do I want to be known for?

  • How can I strike a balance between my public persona and my private life?

  • Who’s on my team cheering for me, and who isn’t?

Six of Cups:

Highlighting themes of nostalgia, family, and childhood, the watery Six of Cups takes us on a pleasant stroll down memory lane! This card signifies simpler, happier times. A time when we looked at the world with big doe eyes through rose-colored lenses.

In the Smith-Rider-Waite version of this card, a young boy hands a little girl a bouquet of flowers, symbolizing the innocence in our earliest relationships, whether platonic, (childhood best friends) familial, (siblings) or romantic (first crushes and first loves). We also see an elderly person in the background, reminding us that life is both short and long, and to enjoy our youth while we still have it.

If this card pops out for you, it may indicate that you are reflecting on your past relationships and connections. It could mean reliving those special memories, or paying a visit to family and friends back “home”, wherever home is for you. It could also be asking you to reconnecting with your inner child. Do things that inspire that childlike sense of wonder and awe. Bust out the coloring books, stuffed animals, video games, TV shows, movies, music, and other stuff you loved as a kid. Let it inspire the adult you!

Pay attention to how you feel when thinking about your past, and consider asking yourself the following questions.

  • Are you missing someone and considering reaching out?

  • What feelings come up when you think of relationships that have ended?

  • Do you find yourself daydreaming of “how things used to be”?

  • How can you incorporate pleasant experiences from your past into your present?

Six of Swords:

Here, we see two adults and a young child together in a boat, rowing away from rocky waters and into smoother seas. The six swords in the boat with them symbolize the memories gained and lessons learned that they’re bringing from their past into the future.

This card indicates a transitional period from one timeline to another. It could represent leaving one job and starting another, ending a relationship, experiencing a rite of passage, or simply moving on from a tumultuous situation. Whether this change was self-imposed or forced upon you, it’s normal to feel sad, fatigued, or dejected after a life shift.

Essentially, the Six of Swords asks you to keep your chin up and look at the bright side. Sunnier days and simpler times are ahead. However, it's important to feel your feelings and acknowledge the pain you've endured. Allow yourself the time to cry, grieve, and mourn the losses you’ve faced. Though it’s easier said than done, try to maintain a positive outlook and remember that the worst part is over!

Did the Six of Swords show its lovely face in your reading? Consider the following questions.

  • How can I honor my feelings during this change?

  • What lessons can I carry from this situation into my future?

  • In what ways am I still clinging to the past?

  • Who/what am I leaving behind through this transition?

Six of Pentacles:

The Six of Pentacles embodies the concept of giving and receiving better than all of the Minor Arcana Sixes. A generous giver hands out gifts and coins to beggars in need. They also hold the scales, reminding us to strike balance between how much we give and how much we take. Represented by the Earth element, this card represents material wealth, financial security, generosity, and abundance. However, abundance is not always tied to money! Sometimes those around us need support in the form of quality time, physical affection, or words of affirmation.

In some situations, we are the giver and are able to share our well of resources with those who can benefit from it. Other times, we are the receiver, and must seek out what we need from those who are in a better position to provide. This card encourages us to get comfortable existing in both roles, as the scales can tilt at any given time!

Here are a few questions to ponder if the Six of Pentacles pops up in your reading.

  • Am I willing to ask for and receive help when I need it?

  • Am I in a position to offer support to those who need it?

  • What kind(s) of support am I able to offer at this time?

  • Am I being fairly compensated for my efforts?

Channeled “Six” Songs

To help you gain a greater understanding of the Power of 6, Spirit and I chose 2 songs for each card that we felt related to the energy of the tarot Sixes! Check out the songs below for additional messages.

The Lovers:

Six of Wands:

Six of Cups:

Six of Swords:

Six of Pentacles:

Thanks so much for checking out the third installment of Tarot Numerules! If you find value, confirmation, or comfort in these messages, I'd love to hear from you in the comments or via DM/email!

For updates on the next installment, make sure you're following me on Instagram @thetarotastrologer.

Until next time! All my love flows out you ~

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