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Your Sign in Tarot: Capricorn and The Devil

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

Hello, and welcome to Your Sign in Tarot! This series takes a look at the cards of the Major Arcana that are assigned to each of the 12 zodiac signs. We'll reflect on the imagery, brief history of the card, traits of each sign, and what the card means if you see it in a reading.

Cards: Smith-Rider-Waite, Mystic Mondays, Modern Witch Tarot

Sign: Capricorn

Element: Earth

Modality: Cardinal

Ruled by: Saturn

House: 10th

Tarot Card: XV. The Devil

About Capricorn:

Like its sign, The Devil one of the most misunderstood cards in the deck. Capricorns are known to be strong willed, excellent leaders, and will stop at nothing to achieve what they want. They make incredible lovers, loyal friends, and trusted businesspeople. Ruled by the 10th House, Capricorns are obsessed with career and status, which can get them into trouble as they tend to step on others in their climb to success. This cardinal Earth sign is also ruled by the planet of Saturn, which represents limitations, restrictions, and confinement. Because they are so concerned with how they appear in the public eye, Capricorns can sometimes feel trapped by the identities or expectations placed on them, either by themselves or by others, and feel a sense of responsibility to live up to them.

About The Devil:

The figure in The Devil tarot card is actually not the Devil at all, but the god Pan, who is half man-half goat. He was often depicted chasing fairies, and represents sexuality, temptations, addictions. He serves as a scapegoat, or things we blame our problems on when we aren't taking personal responsibility. The two figures at the bottom of the card represent us in the 3D and our conscious choices. The chains around the two are very loose, and their feet are unrestrained. There is no door for the pathway in the Mystic Mondays deck. They are free to walk in and out of this entrapment at anytime.

The Devil serves a warning to be wary of temptation lurking nearby and to take responsibility for your actions. If you see The Devil in a reading, ask yourself what role you've played in allowing this pattern to continue? What is really keeping you trapped in this state of mind or situation? When we understand what is keeping us stagnant and low vibrational, we can then move forward into light and love.


Do you have any Capricorn placements? What house does the sign of Capricorn rule in your chart? Drop a comment and let me know 😌

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