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Your Sign in Tarot: Gemini and The Lovers

Hello, and welcome to Your Sign in Tarot! This series takes a look at the 12 cards of the Major Arcana, assigned to each of the 12 zodiac signs. We'll reflect on the symbolism, brief history of the card, traits of each sign, and what the card means if you see it in a reading.

Sign: Gemini

Element: Air

Modality: Mutable

Ruled by: Mercury

House: 3rd

Tarot Card: The Lovers

About Gemini:

Known to be social butterflies, this Mercurial sign loves to explore, build new connections, and learn about everything that life has to teach them. These persuasive and convincing Air Signs are highly extroverted, curious, and clever. Because of Gemini’s unmatched intelligence and wildly vivid imagination, they often surround themselves with deep thinkers and active listeners to keep up with the never-ending conversation. This is partially why this sign is symbolically represented by a set of Twins, often depicted or understood to be two halves of the same whole. Two sides of the same person.

About The Lovers:

It’s no wonder that The Lovers card is primarily associated with romantic relationships, intimacy, and the infamous Twin Flame connection.

We see a depiction of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with Archangel Raphael floating graciously above, bringing the two into Divine Union at last. Though the cards physically appear to show a man and a woman meeting before the Divine, we on Earth know that love knows no gender. The man looks to the woman, while the woman looks to Raphael, representing Spirit’s primary role in their relationship. This union was brought forth by the Divine, so that both parties may come together in service of the Divine.

What This Card Means for You:

Any significant relationship we manifest is a reflection of ourselves. The good, the bad, and the unbearable. These connections often bring out the parts of ourselves that we desperately try to hide away from the world. These partnerships will mirror our behaviors, thoughts, habits, actions, and beliefs. The things we don’t mirror, we will be challenged with, and asked if we are willing to accept parts of our human experience that are less than desirable.

This partner truly sees you, ALL of you. They see who you are today. They see who you’ve been in the past. They see the potential of who you could be in the future. And they still hold love and acceptance in their heart for all that you are.

The Lovers card is the culmination and celebration of the deep inner spiritual work that an individual has done before embarking on a shared life journey with another. As Sea Tarot says, “When we reach The Lovers VI, we combine the first four cards' elements: creativity, intuition, receptivity, and expansion. We then launch those elements from a spiritual foundation into our bodies and minds, and onto the world.”

In a less romantic sense, but possibly even more crucial, the Lovers card also represents the power of choice. Though we don’t always choose who we fall in love with, we can choose who we want to align ourselves with. Spirit may push in the direction of those who will serve a higher purpose on our individual paths, but as human beings with agency and free will, we ultimately have the power to decide who we share our energy, time, and resources with. Choose wisely!

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