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Your Sign in Tarot: Scorpio and Death

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

Hello, and welcome to Your Sign in Tarot! This series takes a look at the cards of the Major Arcana that are assigned to each of the 12 zodiac signs. We'll reflect on the imagery, brief history of the card, traits of each sign, and what the card means if you see it in a reading.

Cards: Smith-Rider-Waite, Mystic Mondays, Modern Witch Tarot

Sign: Scorpio

Element: Water

Modality: Fixed

Ruled by: Mars/Pluto

House: 8th

Tarot Card: XIII. Death

About Scorpio:

Ruled by Mars/Pluto and the 8th House, Scorpios are the most mysterious sign of the Zodiac. Like other Water signs, they tend to be emotional, sensitive, and highly intuitive. Scorpios have an intense and powerful presence, with a deep sense of loyalty to those they love, and determination to understand people's darkest secrets. These fixed signs are focused, competitive, and deeply empathetic. However, a low vibrational or wounded Scorpio can be strategically vengeful and may use the info they have on others to hurt them. They may display jealous tendencies, have mistrust, and unlikely to open about their own emotions or personal lives.

About Death:

Like the sting of a scorpion, Death can be incredibly painful. Though this card rarely means physical death, it is a symbol of loss, endings, change, and transformation. The fallen king symbolizes that no one is exempt from death, as it is a guaranteed part of the cycle for all living beings. The woman looking away in distress represent society's aversion to death, doing everything they can to avoid the painful grief that inevitably follows loss. The child with the flower holding a white rose is a symbol of innocence, and rebirth. Scorpios show us that change can peaceful, but the transition from pain to peace can feel troublesome. With every ending comes a brand new beginning.

Do you have any Scorpio placements? What house does the sign of Scorpio rule in your chart? Drop a comment and lemme know 😌

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