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Your Sign in Tarot: Virgo and The Hermit

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

Hello, and welcome to Your Sign in Tarot! This series takes a look at the 12 cards of the Major Arcana, assigned to each of the 12 zodiac signs. We'll reflect on the symbolism, brief history of the card, traits of each sign, and what the card means if you see it in a reading.

Sign: Virgo

Element: Earth

Modality: Mutable

Ruled by: Mercury

House: 6th

Tarot Card: The Hermit

About Virgo:

The stereotypical virgin nature of Virgo doesn't represent sexual innocence, but rather the personal identity that they sustain throughout their entire lives.

Ruled by Mercury, and the 6th House, Virgos enjoy routine, organization, and higher learning. Their goal is to achieve perfection in all aspects life, which can make them seem overly critical, demanding, or hard to please.

Virgos know the greatest knowledge lies within, and they are content with being alone to seek that knowledge.

About The Hermit:

The Hermit is a wise soul, isolating in the mountains far far away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The mountains represent overcoming obstacles and personal struggles.

In this solitude, the Hermit reflects on their choices, behaviors, and actions that have led them to where they are. They've gained all the guidance, education, and information they could from outside sources, but now they must seek inner wisdom.

The Hermit's cloak represents the desire for invisibility, while the star and light represents sharing this newfound wisdom with others. It also lights the way for others to look within for the answers they seek.

When you see this card in a reading, you're being asked to detach and reflect on your role in your situation. Instead of pointing the finger at others, consider how your beliefs, thoughts, and actions have impacted this scenario.

The answers you are seeking cannot be provided to you by something, or someone else. It's time for an honest conversation with your Higher Self!

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